Menstrual Cramps: 8 Simple Home Remedies

Statistically, about 3 out of 4 women experience severe menstrual pain and cramps. Prostaglandins (hormone-like substances involved in pain and inflammation), trigger the uterine muscle contractions. Here are some simple home remedies that ease periodic pain.
1. Exercise
Many women reduce physical activities during period almost to zero. This is a big mistake and complete misconception regarding female health. I, personally, never skip my workouts during PMS and menstruation. Right activities have tremendous beneficial effect not only on physical but also on mental health. This might sound slightly strange especially when you hardly can move due to unbearable pain but I strongly recommend to keep doing. Even a basic walk outside could be helpful. Increased blood circulation due to aerobic activity reduces concentration of prostaglandins that cause pain. Moreover, it stimulates endorphins production (hormones of joy) and eventually reduces cramps.

But, be careful! Do not overload yourself either. Have 20-30 min of circuit training or 30-60 min of cardio (I prefer power walk outside or weighted ballet session in the Fit&Treat fitness studio in Westminster) and a nice Hatha yoga session after.
2. Apply heat
Heat helps to relax the contracting muscles in the uterus. There are many options of over-the-counter heating patches or even a regular plastic bottle with hot water could be a great solution.
3. Drink chamomile tea
One the well-known therapeutic qualities of camomile tea is anti inflammatory effect. Camomile tea is also a great soothing and calming agent that could help with moodiness. I always recommend to my patients to have at least 2-3 cups of camomile tea a day before and during the period. N
4. Keep hydrated and eat enough of healthy fats
No need to say that keeping hydrated is essentially important for human body every day. PMS and menstruation is a period of time when the body uses far higher amount of nutrients and water than it usually does. So, feed it right. Stop dieting for a few days and increase your total macros. However, be careful with junk food. It is not going to be beneficial at all. Increase consumption of healthy fats in order to help your ovaries with hormones production. By healthy fats I mean not salted and not smoked fatty fish, nuts, vegetable oils, avocado.

5. Make sure you’re getting enough vitamin D
High dosages of vitamin D3 help to reduce menstrual pain. According to, “40 Italian women were split into two groups: one receiving a single oral dose of 300,000 IUs of vitamin D3 and the other getting a placebo five days before the expected start of their menstrual periods.” The vitamin D3 group pain score decreased by 41 percent, however their peers from the placebo group did not show any change in the pain scale.
6. Amino acid support
DL-Phenilalaine is not essential naturally occurring amino acid that can help to reduce PMS symptoms. Also this amino acid stimulates alertness and increase serotonin production helping therefore to avoid fatigue and mood swings.

7. Make love
Yes, that’s right — orgasms help to relieve all kinds of pain, including menstrual cramps. Sex increases blood circulation in the uterus, helping to relieve pain. Orgams is a great invention of the Universe. It stimulates production of incredibly healing chemical cocktail inside the body enriched with such a substances like endorphins, serotonin, and oxytocin, so-called hormones of happiness. Moreover, it promotes a good night sleep, and overall feeling of wellbeing.
8. Massage ad acupuncture
Massage is a great way to increase blood circulation as well as relax the body. Acupuncture is another fantastic ancient technique to release mentsrual pain. It is a component of traditional Chinese medicine, which involves sticking the skin with thin needles to stimulate the body flow to certain points. Researchers from the Oriental Hospital at Kyung Hee University Medical Center in South Korea confirmed that acupuncture might have positive effects on menstrual cramps. The study was based on 10 trials with 1000 participants. “There was an improvement in pain relief from acupressure and acupuncture compared with a placebo control,” according to the study.