Being fit and eating nutritious food help in building a healthy and happy life
Everyone wishes to look good and stay healthy at the same time. However, not everyone knows the secret for a healthy and happy life....

I know everything about healthy living but why it doesn't work for me?
How to stop procrastinating and start doing.

Oxytocin injection report
Oxytocin and female health

Menstrual Cramps: 8 Simple Home Remedies
Find out how to cope with menstrual pain

How to postpone ageing
I recently attended a 2-day nutrition seminar to learn about the latest science on healthy ageing from several of the world’s top ageing...

Health benefits of dark chocolate
Dark chocolate is loaded with goodness. Cacao is one of the best sources of antioxidants on the planet. Studies show that dark chocolate...

Why skipping breakfast could be beneficial for fat loss (experiments with intermittent fasting)
I always loved breakfast, being a strong believer that 1) breakfast provides energy for the whole day, and 2) that it allows you to...

Foods That Calm & De-Stress
Which foods are able to act as natural relaxants and anti-depressants is a question I’m often asked by clients. To begin with, an...

Why diets always fail
Have you ever noticed that after any diet, the pounds inevitably pile back on? Not only that, but people often actually gain more than...

Diets and Exit strategies
Diets and exit strategies To lose 4lbs during a diet, yet gain 6lbs back within a few weeks of finishing it is a sadly familiar scenario....