Oxytocin injection report
I read a lot about oxytocin effect on female health and overall feeling of wellbeing during my nutrition, mental health and neuroscience courses. Multiple research findings were pretty fascinating and looked like a solution for all specific "girly" problems. Statistically, the majority of us (especially single working ladies) lacks this miracle hormone that's why we constantly feel stressed, depressed, gain weight, experience anxiety attacks, sleep deprivation, digestion problems, irregular or painful periods, moodiness and so on. On the other hand, it's not easy to find the desired partner and build bonding relationships to regulate the natural release of oxytocin. So, I made my research, found oxytocin in a form of nasal spray and decided to test the chemical on myself.

Here is the report.
I got delivered nasal oxytocin spray yesterday. I always try all supplements on myself before I recommend it to my clients. So took it. Results are incredible. But before I share let me tell a couple of words about oxytocin itself:
1) it's a hormone of bonding (usually our body produces it naturally when we cuddle with the loved ones). Female body also produces oxytocin during breastfeeding.
2) women are more sensitive to oxytocin than men (men produce vasopressin - male bonding hormone similar to oxytocin)
3) oxytocin neutralizes cortisol (the hormone of stress which has catabolic and inflammatory properties as well as provokes water retention, immune system suppression, and increases anxiety). Cortisol reduction helps women feeling more relaxed and satisfied, however, according to multiple studies, it reduces critical reasoning and motivation.
So! What did I feel?
1 hour after the injection: relaxation. My verbal functions and mental sharpness are lightly suppressed but I'm still fine and focused.
2 hours after the injection: I created an affordable package of my services and posted it on my web-site. (I'm not going to earn selling it but I will have more exposure and more opportunities to sell complimentary services, therefore, such as PT sessions). So I'm calm and relaxed but still alert and pretty logical, however, less hungry to profits.
3 hours after the injection: I went to bed because I felt like fall asleep. Usually, I work until I'm done. So, the obsessive motivation for success is gone. The feeling of my personal comfort and wellbeing turned into my top priority. Moreover, my verbal functions are suppressed even more. I don't feel like to talk at all.
8 hours after the injection: still very relaxed, soft, tolerant. No obsessive motivation to hit the gym straight after getting up.
10 hours after the injection: spent an hour doing facial massage and beauty treatments with no anxiety to be late or lose time doing "unnecessary things". Caught myself on clear understanding that
- My comfort is my first priority
- I'm endlessly calm and relaxed
- I'm not going to work 12 hours a day anymore
- I love and value myself as I am and I'm completely fine with the way I move, look, sound, and so on. (Women will understand the feeling as we always never feel satisfied.)
Bodily effect:
- I have no water retention even if I'm on the first day of my period
- I have no psychological tension
- I have no muscles inflammation and moodiness
- I'm really fine with everything that's going on.
1. It works
2. It has positive impact on the body
3. If reduces cortisol as well as "fight or flight" motivational effect (be careful here if you have high-level risk-taking job)
4. It slightly reduces analytical functions and critical reasoning during the first few hours after the injection but both come back in 10 hours. The overall feeling of wellbeing is improved. However, motivation and drive for achievements are shrunk.